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The online assessment is taken on completion of the training material. You will be asked 100 multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 50%. The answers are marked automatically so you will instantly know whether you have passed. If you don’t pass don’t worry! You can take the Exam again

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1 / 50

SIM.   What are the factors that influence effective use of a warehouse?

2 / 50

SIM. Who are organization internal customers………………..

3 / 50

SIM. All are types of partnership except…….. ….

4 / 50

SIM. When can we have a perfect Just in time principle of inventory ………………..

5 / 50

SIM. One of these is not a projective method of forecasting into the future?

6 / 50

SIM. The problems with Materials Requirement Planning can be as a result of the following except?

7 / 50

SIM. Definition of Inventory among other things makes use of the following phrases?

8 / 50

SIM. A production category system where products are made to satisfy a specific order and always in a small lot size and custom in nature is called……………….

9 / 50

SIM. Enterprise Resource Planning promises one database, one application and ……….

10 / 50

SIM. What is the difference between inventory management and warehousing?

11 / 50

SIM. A Bought-Out-Part inventory is that goes directly into

12 / 50

SIM. Typical form of a warehouse includes the following except……………….

13 / 50

SIM. The basic building block to Inventory Management includes all but

14 / 50

SIM. Cube utilization and accessibility as to do with ……….

15 / 50

SIM.   Advantages of central storage include ……………….

16 / 50

SIM. The engagement of Automated Guided Vehicle in overcoming long distance and high altitude in the warehouse is termed …………………..

17 / 50

SIM. A4 paper used in printing an invoice an example of ……………………… stock

18 / 50

SIM. The solution to the concept of inventory problems dealt with two aspect………… and ………….

19 / 50

SIM. Short time forecasting is the one that between ………… and a year

20 / 50

SIM. N Harris (1915) and Naddar (1966) come up with concepts of inventory problem solving by resulting into three simple costs which includes?

21 / 50

SIM. The aim of the warehousing is to provide necessary storage at a key point in supply chain, giving secure storage of needed materials, keeping them in good condition with little damage or loss with ………………………………. and ………………………………

22 / 50

SIM. What are the reasons individual and/or organization keep inventory?

23 / 50

SIM.   What is the observable or number of cases in the statement?

24 / 50

SIM. Key Performance Indicator in warehousing practice includes the following except……...

25 / 50

SIM. A correlation coefficient can vary between?

26 / 50

SIM. A unit of a stock is the …………………..  size or quantity of an item.

27 / 50

SIM. An inventory waiting for shipment and which can also be served as a sub material for final product of another product is called ………………….

28 / 50

SIM. A stock is the store of an ………………….. for future use

29 / 50

SIM. Car engine oil is an example of ……………………… stock

30 / 50

SIM. Types of members of partnership include the following except ...............

31 / 50

SIM.  The concept of limited liability in relation to a company means:

32 / 50


The production of Peak Milk for the past 15 years between year 2000 and 2014, was reflected with the multiple regression model, Y = 3.12 + 0.75X1 + 0.52X2 + 0.84X3. Hence, use the above information to answer question 8 to 12.

The production of milk in year 2030 when X1 = 215, X2 = 308 and X3 = 178

33 / 50

What is the value of safety stock using First in first out (FIFO) principle at the end of June?

34 / 50

SIM. One of these is not a subjective method of forecasting into the future?

35 / 50

SIM. A warehouse where human muscular power is replaced by machines such as fork lift is called ….

36 / 50

SIM.  The inability to estimate the demand correctly or due to uncertain demand lead to reason for inventory is referred to as  ……………….

37 / 50

SIM. Companies undertake Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) for the following reason(s)……….

38 / 50

SIM. An item is a ………….. product kept in the stock

39 / 50

SIM. Characteristics of Manpower as a key asset in warehouse are …………..

40 / 50

SIM. A production system where the same types of products are manufactured to meet continuous demand for the product which is not demand responsive and in large quantity is called ………..

41 / 50

SIM. Categories of stocks that are used without seeing the stock in the final product is called………..

42 / 50

During our first job on graduate trainee scheme, Olamide Mariam was given the following records of transactions for items and asked for her view of value of safety stock. Base on the information on the above table, use this to answer this question and the next four.


Date Purchase No. Unit cost ($) Sales no. Unit price ($)
Opening balance 80 180    
January 50 200 50 200
February     40 350
March 60 220    
April 60 260 50 280
May 50 300    
June     40 350


What is the value of closing stock at the end of June?

43 / 50

SIM. Operational planning that imbibed simple schedule rules with order of arrival is called ……….

44 / 50

SIM. The subjective method of forecasting that relied on historical books like Bible and Quran is called ………………….

45 / 50

SIM. A laptop is an example of a warehouse because………………..

46 / 50

SIM.  What is the value of stock out of Sandal?

47 / 50

SIM. A production system of manufacturing a number of identical articles either to meet a specific order or demand or to meet a continuous demand which is demand responsive is called……..

48 / 50

SIM. The most important and critical key asset in warehousing is .……….

49 / 50

SIM. The production of automobile like Toyota Mercedes Benz and so on fall into what categories of production system ………..

50 / 50

SIM. Categories of stocks that are base on usage are called………………..

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