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The online assessment is taken on completion of the training material. You will be asked 100 multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 50%. The answers are marked automatically so you will instantly know whether you have passed. If you don’t pass don’t worry! You can take the Exam again

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1 / 50

SCM. From the economic system's point of view, the role of marketing intermediaries is to transform the assortment of products made by producers into the assortment of products wanted by ________ Channel members.

2 / 50

SCM. Intermediaries play an important role in matching ________.

3 / 50

SCM. Which of the following statements is true of LEAN?

4 / 50

SCM. The goal of inspection is to

5 / 50

SCM. Lean production involves

6 / 50

SCM. Costs of dissatisfaction, repair costs, and warranty costs are elements of cost in the

7 / 50

SCM. Intermediaries play an important role in matching ________.

8 / 50

SCM. Supply chain concept originated in what discipline?

9 / 50

SCM. Among the tools of TQM, the tool ordinarily used to aid in understanding the sequence of events through which a product travels is a

10 / 50

SCM. The goal of Total Quality Management is:

11 / 50

SCM. A successful TQM program incorporates all of the following except

12 / 50

SCM. All of the following costs are likely to decrease as a result of better quality except

13 / 50

SCM. Inspection, scrap, and repair are examples of

14 / 50

SCM. , An essential role in Procurement is

15 / 50

SCM. What best describes the objectives of Purchasing.

16 / 50

SCM. When suppliers, distributors, and customers partner with each other to improve the performance of the entire system, they are participating in a ________

17 / 50

SCM. The resources required by every Manager to achieve the pre- determined  goals and objectives are:

18 / 50

SCM. Which one of these was not mentioned in the list of recent trends in operations management?

19 / 50

SCM. Which came last in the development of manufacturing techniques?

20 / 50

SCM. Marketing logistics involves getting the right product to the right customer in the right place at the right time. Which one of the following is not included in this process?

21 / 50

SCM. A ____________ encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the raw material stage, through to the end user, as well as the associated information flows.

22 / 50

SCM. Companies manage their supply chains through ________.

23 / 50

SCM. Julie Newmar recognizes that her company needs to provide better customer service and trim distribution costs through teamwork, both inside the company and among all the marketing channel organizations. Julie will begin the practice of ________.

24 / 50

SCM. Which of the following statements is true of LEAN?

25 / 50

SCM. The supply chain management philosophy emerged in which decade?

26 / 50

SCM."Quality is defined by the customer" is

27 / 50

SCM. Which one of the following would not generally be considered an aspect of operations management?

28 / 50

SCM. Which one does not use operations management?

29 / 50

SCM. Total Quality Management emphasizes

30 / 50

SCM.  Which of the following is not a typical inspection point?

31 / 50

SCM. Positive, long-term relationships between supply chain participants refer to:

32 / 50

SCM. The amount of inventory kept at each stock point in a warehouse network is usually based on:

33 / 50

SCM.  The most common form of quality control includes:

34 / 50

SCM. Quality is both quantitative and

35 / 50

SCM. Raw materials and specialised services procured are converted into useful service offerings and finaly distributed to customers in following Industry

36 / 50

SCM. Which of the following would not be normally considered as a key feature of Operations Management?

37 / 50

SCM. From the economic system's point of view, the role of marketing intermediaries is to transform the assortment of products made by producers into the assortment of products wanted by ________Channel members.

38 / 50

SCM. Which one of the following is not a typical question dealt with by an operations manager

39 / 50

SCM. What is a perfect order?

40 / 50

SCM. An important feature of supply chain management is its application of electronic commerce technology that allows companies to share and operate systems for:

41 / 50

SCM.  Today, a growing number of firms now outsource some or all of their logistics to ________intermediaries.


42 / 50

SCM. Lean production involves

43 / 50

SCM. The inputs to a transformation process include all of the following except

44 / 50

SCM. If a sample of parts is measured and the mean of the measurements is outside the control limits the process is

45 / 50

SCM .Zero defects in manufacturing

46 / 50

SCM. The supply chain concept originated in what discipline?

47 / 50

SCM. What best described  “Lead Time”

48 / 50

SCM. Which one of the following is not a typical question dealt with by an operations managers?

49 / 50

SCM. Which function typically employs more people than any other functional area?

50 / 50

SCM. According to the manufacturing-based definition of quality

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